History Traditional Japanese Karate DVD Hidetaka Nishiyama


HIDETAKA NISHIYAMA was one of the senior students of Gichin Funakoshi and his contributions to Shotokan Karate are well-known and highly significant


HIDETAKA NISHIYAMA was one of the senior students of Gichin Funakoshi and his contributions to Shotokan Karate are well-known and highly significant. It was Nishiyama and other JKA members that took the science of biomechanics and kinesiology and implemented these within shotokan. In this great DVD, you will see several of the qualities and components of traditional karate as Sensei Nishiyama himself explains them, up close and personal. You will also see his explanation of Go No Sen, Sen No Sen, and Sen, as well as bonus footage of Nishiyama demonstrating techniques of Kata Hangetsu at a major event in Germany. This is truly an information-packed DVD!

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Weight7 oz