
Sammy Smith’s Spectacular Nunchucks Beginner/Advanced Kata


Sammy Smith will teach both a beginner and advanced Nunchuck from from start to finish.

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Sammy Smith will teach both a beginner and advanced Nunchuck from from start to finish. She breaks down each section and you will see each section at full speed and in slow motion. You will learn how to spin the nunchucks while you are tricking. Sammy teaches some of the most dynamic and intense combos you have ever seen. This DVD is designed for all levels of martial artists and with Sammy’s help who knows we may see you on the Grand Championship Stage! Bonus Features Include:
Sammy in Action Competing at some of the largest tournaments in the world.
Additional Tricks to add to the form to make it uniquely yours
An Interview with Sammy Smith. Sammy is a “Black Belt” in Kenpo Karate. She trains at the karate studio six days a week, about four hours a day (she would train seven days a week if the studio was open on Sunday’s). She has taught classes to students both younger and older than her. She can often be seen helping fellow students learn the bo staff, nunchakus and kamas. She knows more than 19 katas (a series of forms).


Additional information

Weight 5 oz

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