
2004 Battle of Atlanta


Highlights from the Eliminations and entire night finals


As a tribute to 911, Master Corley opened the evening with a collage of audio clips and music related to 911 as a beautiful young girl was spotlighted as she held the American flag. At the conclusion of this collage, which included the Beatles’ Imagine, Lee Greenwood’s Proud to be an American and Ray Charles’ God Bless the USA, Brian Ruth’s brother Toby took the microphone and masterfully sang “Where Were You When the World Stopped Turning?” He was accompanied by Lee Barden’s prochux weapons black light show representing the Force of One theme of the Battle of Atlanta. A new division added to the nighttime show was Junior Fighting. The two teams were KNKT vs DCAKA. This years Battle added an incredible division called Professional Point Fighting which included Jason Tankson-Bourelly, Jack Felton, Preston Clements, Elias Lemon, Joey Greenhalgh, Jesse Goldberg and the winner was Raymond Daniels who fought Jason in an
awesome match. Jonathan Boyd received perfect 10s across the board, this was the first time that has happened since 1991. The IKF Super Heavyweight World Championship was decided with a match between Mark Selbee and Raoul Doucet. There are highlights from Friday and Saturday’s Eliminations.

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