
2008 Ocean State Grand Nationals


Highlights from the Eliminations and entire night finals


The 28th Annual Ocean State Grand Nationals finals offered some unique divisions like Tag Team Sparring with Team USA vs Team Canada or Hybrid Fighting. There were also the traditional divisions too. With Rudy Reynon drawing appreciation from the crowd while winning the overall 14-17 Forms and also competing in weapons but Caitlin Dechelle would come out the winner this evening. Lauren Kearney continues to dominate the Women’s Forms. She also went against Ross Levine, Kimberly Ross and Terri Jacoby for the Adult Weapons Grand, but Ross was able to win this time. The Men’s Forms were stacked with great talents, Scott Wu, Marcel Jones, Matt Emig and Marc Canonizado. With six 10s and a 9.99 Matt pulled out the win. Tiffany Larsen won the 13 under Forms Division showing that Korean forms can win against what is considered the norm, Japanese Forms. Ryan Wells continues to win with his Bo Form. Team AKA won Team Sync and Team 100% Performance won the Team Demo Division. Chelsey Nash defeated her arch rival Marissa Mayer with a score of 5-1 to win the Overal

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