
2011 Vol. 16 The Best Of Tournament Forms & Weapons


Two (2) hours of the best forms and weapons competitors in the World.


Almost 2 hours of exciting action packed footage are included on this DVD with highlights from the Eliminations and selected Katas from the Grands of each event.

The Ocean State Grand Nationals: Danny Etkin-Form, Micah Karns-Form, Audrey Donihoo-Katana Form, Stephen Grasz-Sword and Vincent Scarduzio Bo Staff.

The Gator Nationals held on Daytona Beach: Jackson Rudolph-Bo, Caitlin Dechelle-Sword, Lady Jade Miles-Traditional Kata, Mickey Lee-Wu Shu Sword and Marc Canonizado-Form.

The Capitol Classics: Carson Crawford-Sword, Sammy Smith-Form, Amanda Chen-Trad. Form, Austin Jorgenson-Wu Shu Sword, Marco Johnson-Form, Chung Su Shua-China Open Weapons, Max Ehrlich-China Open Forms

The Diamond Nationals: Dallas Liu-Form, Kalman-Csoka Blindfolded Duel Swords, Matt Emig-Nunchaku, Micayla Johnson-Kamas, Jarrett Leiker-Traditional Form, Becca Ross-Form.

Also included, the 2011 US Open Friday and Saturday Eliminations. We may have caught you on camera!

Additional information

Weight12 oz

DVD, Both DVD and Flashdrive, Flashdrive MP4