
2003 Vol. 8 The Best Of Tournament Forms & Weapons


Two (2) hours of the best forms and weapons competitors in the World.


The Best of Forms and Weapons competition is almost two hours long and includes daytime Highlights and selected night time Grand Championship Katas from each of the National and International Tournaments we traveled to. Daytime highlights from the Bluegrass Nationals with these selected finals competitions: Jennifer Espina (weapons), Jalil Atlaschi (weapons), Taylor Lautner (weapons), DX (weapons), Caitlin Dechelle (forms), Nashandra Kissel (forms), Marc Canonizado (forms), Jake Strickland (forms), John Su (forms), Mike Welch (forms). Only daytime highlights from the U.S. Open. The Battle of Atlanta daytime highlights and nightime competitors Becca Ross (weapons), Jake Strickland (weapons), Matt Emig (weapons), John Su (weapons), Nikki Provost (forms), Jenny Johnson-Blanchard (forms), Casey Marks (forms), Steve Terada (forms). Highlights from the daytime at the Pan American Internationals and in the finals, Ross Levine (weapons), Ritchie Bichara (weapons), Terri Jacoby (weapons), Jonathan Boyd (weapons), Jennifer Espina (weapons), Caitlin Dechelle (weapons), Daniel Sterling (weapons), Lauren Kearney (weapons), Robbie Andreozzi (forms), Jake Strickland (forms), Andrew Cabilan (forms), Daniel Sterling (forms). Who knows you might find yourself in the highlights!